Garage, Tools and Back Shed

1/12th true to scale dollhouse items.

What do men really do out there?

Product Image Item Name Price+
DMUL3591 Crow Bar

DMUL3591 Crow Bar


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DJWT08 Doll House Gumboots, Green

DJWT08 Doll House Gumboots, Green


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DRYH7182 Push Broom

DRYH7182 Push Broom


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DHR56005 Miracle Gro box

DHR56005 Miracle Gro box


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DRX1561 Barrel

DRX1561 Barrel


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DMG9 Car Tyre

DMG9 Car Tyre


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DISL0219 Fan Belt

DISL0219 Fan Belt


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DFA12 Wheelbarrow Rusty

DFA12 Wheelbarrow Rusty


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DRW1538 Stepladder

DRW1538 Stepladder


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DIM65243 Anvil

DIM65243 Anvil


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